Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Religious Education

The first Confraternity of Christian Doctrine  (CCD) Summer School was held in 1931 with Seminarian A. McHale as instructor.  At that time, the First Communion Class consisting of nine girls and 14 boys received their First Communion. 
The Sacrament of Confirmation was administered for the first time in Winifred by His Excellency Bishop O’Hara of Great Falls in 1933.  He again visited the mission in 1936, administering Confirmation to a large class.

Through the nineteen-fifty’s and nineteen-sixty’s, summer CCD was held in Winifred or Hilger with sisters coming to teach.  The sisters would usually stay in private homes for one to two weeks of class.

In later years, CCD or Religious Education Classes have been conducted on Wednesday afternoon following classes during the school year.  Each year the RE teachers and children put on a Christmas Program for the parish and deliver Easter Baskets to the area senior citizens. First Eucharist and Confirmation instruction continues to be part of the Religious Education Program.  The Bishop of the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings travels as needed to Winifred to celebrate the Completion of the Sacraments of Initiation.  

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