Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Altar Society

Throughout the many years of the Winifred Mission there has been an active Altar Society.  They have been humbly involved in fundraising, teaching, cleaning, serving and raising families through many generations.  Mrs. Robert J. Heggem, President of the Altar Society, summed it up this way in 1954: “Every year when we start our district report, the members feel like a mighty inactive organization.  However, the twenty-three members of this Altar Society have ninety-four children, sixty-eight of whom are small school and pre-school youngsters; we live scattered over an area sixty miles long and forty-five miles wide, and many of us are still on unimproved roads.  Your reporter thinks this is a mighty fine group of women and proudly submits the above report.”

The Altar Society of Holy Family continues to meet today.  Their involvement in the parish has changed through the years but they continue to be an important part of our church.  Each year the Altar Society works with the Methodist Ladies to organize a Pancake Brunch to raise money to assist with the day to day expenses of the Joint Parish.  The Altar Society also organizes any funeral luncheons, parish meals and many other times of fellowship within our parish.  They assist with the church environment through decorating and cleaning.  We are fortunate to have this dedicated group of women in our parish. 

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